Have you heard the one about…
1. What did the policeman say to his tummy?
You are under a vest.
2. Why was the Detective at the beach?
There was a crime wave (only joking, we know detectives don’t leave the office)
3. Why was the policeman in the bed?
He was undercover.
4. What do you call a flying policeman?
A helicopper (sorry, that is terrible)
5. Man “Please officer, you must help me, I’ve lost my wig”
Sergeant “No problem, we will comb the area”
6. Why is a traffic officer the strongest person in the world?
Because they can stop a truck with one hand.
7. Did you know that they arrested the energizer bunny?
They charged him with battery (oh dear)
8. What do you call it when a prisoner takes their own custody photo?
A cellfie (my word)
9. How do cops greet people?
Policed to meet you (worst so far)
10.Knock Knock
Who’s there?
Dishes who?
Dishes the Police, come out with your hands up.
Sorry everyone.
Feel free to submit any jokes to info@policerevision.com. We promise that every few weeks we will publish the best ones (and credit you)
Remember, have fun and have a laugh.