There are a number of ways that you can have fun while studying.
1. Listen to good music
Everything is more fun when it’s set to music. But you need to find music that helps you learn. Death metal may be your favourite but will it assist you when refreshing your knowledge around PACE Code D. Music without lyrics is usually a better option but it is entirely up to you. If you find that listening to Metallica helps you remember the definition of Robbery then crank it up to 11.
2. Use good stationary
It’s only a small thing but treating yourself to nice note-pads, books, pens, and stickers can really make a difference. Remember, no one is marking your revision, your notes done your way.
3. Make a game of it
Puzzles, quizzes, and flashcards can really help and make a difference. You can play with family or friends or even spend time getting your colleagues to test you at work. Keep a record of your score and reward success and punish failure, whatever works for you.
4. Study somewhere different
Always studying at home in the lounge, bored of the same scenery, then find somewhere new. There are so many places you can study from cafes to libraries. A fresh surrounding can make a real difference to your mindset although be realistic, you won’t retain too much watching the new Star Wars movie in the IMAX.
5. Study with a friend
There is nothing to say that you need to study alone. There will be a number of your colleagues taking the exams, speak to them and see if they would like to meet up. You will be able to share ideas and even let them watch some Police Revision presentations
(Don’t worry, we don’t mind ☺)
6. Start a study group
Why not go one step further and have many study buddies. This will open up lots of new ideas and opinions and you can discuss the topics you are struggling with.
7. Make a poster
Why not? Consider you are learning about bail. You could design a poster that illustrates how the process works. Once completed you can hang the poster in your room meaning that you are continually exposed to it, continually absorbing all of the information without even realizing.
8. Use interactive learning materials
Like, in fact this is the best advice we can give. It’s way more fun than studying from books and has a great free article on how to have fun when studying.
9. Reward yourself
Got 10 out of 10 questions right, you deserve a big treat.
Got 5 out of 10 questions right, you deserve a little treat.
Got 2 out of 10 questions right, no treat, more study ☹
10. Make an audio recording
Written notes are so last year! Make an audio recording, which you can listen back to. You can talk through the subject and get it clear in your mind. Why not download it to your phone/MP3 player/ tablet and listen to it on the go.
Whatever you choose, make sure it is right for you.
But most importantly have fun.
Just like this dog.