A solid revision timetable allows you to cover everything you need to and in good time for the exam…
Have you heard the one about… 1. What did the policeman say to his tummy? You are under a vest. 2. Why was the Detective at the beach? There was a crime wave (only joking, we know detectives don’t leave the office) 3. Why was the policeman in the bed? He was undercover. 4. WhatRead more
There are a number of ways that you can have fun while studying. 1. Listen to good music Everything is more fun when it’s set to music. But you need to find music that helps you learn. Death metal may be your favourite but will it assist you when refreshing your knowledge around PACE CodeRead more
Police Revision offers specifically designed e-learning created with everything you need to be successful in your Police Promotion. We are dedicated to providing you with the best possible service to aid you on your journey to achieve the best you can.
For those sitting the Sergeants and Inspectors Examination, be aware that there
At Police Revision we know how important it is for to practice
Wednesday 22nd January 2025 (6pm to 7pm) – Introduction to the Exam (Understanding Question